Ryan Castellucci
Ryan has been involved in the hacking community for most of their life, but it really picked up on the original "Hackers on a Plane" trip back in 2007. That led to involvement with Noisebridge, attending the original ToorCamp in 2008, playing CTFs, running CTFs, a successful infosec career, and speaking at several well known conferences.
They are now working on their most challenging hacking project yet - their body.

What, exactly, does a gender transition involve?
Over time, it has increasingly become the case that there is no simple answer. The degree to which people can now pick and choose what they want in terms of (de)masculinizing and (de)feminizing effects/procedures is astonishing - even to many trans people and medical professionals providing them care. Much of this customization is especially attractive to non-binary (neither strictly male nor female) individuals.
From simply unbundling things that have historically been considered package deals to experimental surgeries and straight up biohacking... come learn about the gender transition "secret menu", compared and contrasted with the traditional options.