Karl Koscher
Karl Koscher is a technology and security generalist with an emphasis on wireless and embedded systems security. As part of his dissertation work at the University of Washington, he and his collaborators were the first to demonstrate a complete remote compromise of a car over cellular, Bluetooth and other channels. He holds an Amateur Extra license.

Take a peak behind the scenes of Shadybucks: the motivation, the code base, and all of the integrations. We'll go over some fun statistics from last Toorcamp and how it was hacked, as well as introducing some new features for this year.
Shadytel is excited to introduce Shadyvision, a 24/7 digital TV broadcast at Toorcamp that you can receive with hardware you likely already have (an RTL-SDR dongle). This talk covers the technical details of how it works, including how to set up your own broadcasts at other hacker events.