Bliss - Rebecca Demarest
Rebecca A. Demarest (she/her) is an award-winning author, playwright, book designer, and writing instructor living in Seattle, WA with her husband and two muppets. Her short work has appeared alongside authors like Cat Rambo and dramatized for the stage and NPR. When not being held hostage by words, you can find her at her day job (working the people side of unbelievably awesome tech) tending to her indoor jungle, crafting, sewing, playtesting tabletop role playing games, and failing to teach her dogs new tricks. For more information on her work, please visit

During Prohibition in Seattle, the Olmstead Rumrunning operation became the largest employer in the whole city, delivering illicit hooch to luminaries such as Boeing and the mayor. And they did it all without guns and moonshine, unlike their east coast counterparts. Come find out the secrets of their success and how they are still useful today, especially given the political and cultural landscape we face now.
If you've always wanted to write, or you think you might have a story idea, or you've been writing forever, this is the workshop for you! We'll sit down and talk about how to utilize science to write science fiction, and the awesome ways to launch stories from our everyday work. We'll do some exercises, talk about cool ways to approach scientific topics, and answer any questions you have about writing.
Come write with us! Want to know how to take stories like fairy tales and write them in new and different ways? This session is for you! We'll talk about fairy tales and myths and stories in the public domain and how to tweak them to write something new. Fan fiction creation welcome! Workshop is for all ages.