Using ZKPs to Kill *all* the Bugs
06-28, 14:30–14:50 (America/Los_Angeles), Prime Dome

In recent years, Zero Knowledge Proofs have unlocked some surprising new capabilities. As the tooling matures, we're seeing a groundswell of new applications. This talk will explore the implications for the software security space, and how these tools can be leveraged premissionlessly to achieve unprecedented levels of software security assurances to everyday users.

This talk will take you through the basic capabilities unlocked by zero knowledge proofs and the tools that builders can use to leverage them for real world projects. Then we will be specifically breaking down how exploitability proofs work and how they can be leveraged for automated bug bounty triage, which in turn can create economically backed security claims, leading to fully automated security metrics on the global software supply chain.

Dean Pierce is a computer computer security Researcher from Portland, Oregon, mostly focused on offensive technologies and how emerging tech can solve all the world's problems.

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