r2wars - battle bots in shared memory
06-28, 13:00–14:30 (America/Los_Angeles), Yoga Studio

Running programs simultaneously in the same memory-space: what could possibly go wrong? This is about how and then playing with it hands-on. We look at the inner workings, build our own small programs which try to overwrite each other and have a small battle!

Radare2 is a wonderful (and yet not quite intuitive) small program that can do a lot of stuff. We'll get a look into what it is, what it is supposed to be used for and what we can use it for.

After a small intro into the radare2 ecosystem
- into emulation in radare2
- a look into the source, r2pipe and how to automate binary analysis steps
- writing bots into memory
- positioning of bots
- parameters to be tuned
- how to build small bots
- a great battle in the end!

InfoSec | CTF @allesctf @Sauercl0ud @Orgakraut (and many more) | CCC Foo @chaosdorf (Düsseldorf, Germany) | hanging out with @milliways at events