10-12, 10:00–18:00 (US/Pacific), ToorCon CTF
CTF begins 10:00 AM Tuesday October 12 and will continue through 4:00 PM Wednesday October 13th. (We can adjust the end time to whatever will work best for finalizing the standings and getting that info to the Closing Remarks people.)
No pre-registration is required, but people are encouraged to form teams before Toorcon. The Scoreboard URL will be posted in Toorcon Discord at 10AM Tuesday. Players can register then.
They can also follow us on Twitter for announcements and hints at @toorconctf.
There is no additional cost to participate in our CTF. It is open to all Toorcon attendees, virtual or in-person. (Some people were confusing our CTF with the Embedded CTF, which cost an additional $99.)