Beau Woods
Beau wears a lot of hats, all white. He has hacked medical devices, won Best Mustache at Movember London, evaded Russian Mafiosi near Moscow, brought members of Congress to DEF CON, and learned to throw a curve from a major league pitcher. Beau also helps lead I Am The Cavalry, holds a Fellowship with the Atlantic Council, is Founder/CEO of Stratigos Security, DEF CON Goon, Village organizer, BSidesLV staff, runs Hackers on the Hill, has a BS in Psychology from Georgia Tech, and lives in DC.

Blue Team Set Us Up The SBOM
Beau Woods
What if spotting vulnerabilities in your VPN, was as easy as checking for allergens in your applesauce? A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) brings proven supply chain principles to modern software systems.
Lightning Talks
Blue Day