Karl Koscher
Karl Koscher is a research scientist working at the University of Washington where he specializes in wireless and embedded systems security. Previously, he was a postdoctoral scholar working with Stefan Savage at UC San Diego. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2014, where he was advised by Tadayoshi Kohno.

The LUNA USB Multitool is Great Scott Gadgets’s forthcoming FPGA-based platform intended for USB hacking and development. This talk will walk through several supported uses cases, including analyzing high-speed USB traffic, emulating USB devices with the FaceDancer framework, and performing MitM attacks against USB. Additionally, this talk introduces ways you can (ab)use its FPGA-based design in unsupported ways, such as using the hardware as a flexible FPGA development board with extensive USB connectivity, as well as targeting the LUNA gateware to other, unsupported FPGA boards.
I will have my LUNA prototype with me that people will likely be able to experiment with. I’m hoping to have a CodeSpaces-like environment where people can simply load up the base LUNA code base in their browser, hack on some Python or nMigen gateware, run tests, and finally see their hacks running on real hardware.
We're legitimately live-streaming Toorcon across North America via a geosynchronous satellite. This talk explains how we did it.