Megan DeBlois
I lead tech projects at Internews focused around improving civil society’s security literacy and resiliency. Currently working on enhancing threat info sharing capabilities of high risk communities around the globe, while advising on other infosec risks across Internews.
I am also a part time student at the University of Oxford studying for my MSc in Software and Systems Security. My current research and interests lie around better understanding malware operations targeting civil society, journalists, human rights groups, and other targeted communities globally. The more we know, the better we defend.

Let’s take inventory ...
Money: 0
Staff dedicated to security: 0
IT staff: 0
Your adversary: Nation-state actors +
Good luck!
Human rights organizations across the globe face an uphill battle trying to detect nation-state actors trying to compromise their systems. What can we do to support them and how does this impact the rest of us?
Check out the world famous San Diego Zoo! This activity has a fee to cover your entry ticket and transportation costs. Make sure to register before spots run out:
Check in on the lawn in front of the point.