ToorCamp 2022

Version 0.99 July 16, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have moved a session around: “Amateur Radio Certification” by Carlos De Leon (July 16, 2022, 6 p.m. → July 16, 2022, 8 p.m.)

Version 0.98 July 16, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Amateur Radio Certification” by Carlos De Leon .

Version 0.97 July 16, 2022

Added Network Hacking Workshop

We have a new session: “Network Hacking Workshop” by tracerot .

Version 0.96 July 15, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have moved a session around: “HomeDepot Kids Workshop” by Curtis Mack, Ross Carras (July 15, 2022, 6:30 p.m. → July 15, 2022, 7 p.m.)

Version 0.95 July 15, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have new sessions!

Sadly, we had to cancel sessions:

  • “Out of the Bag” by Angela Livermore
  • “Open Hardware Hacking” by OlyMEGA, Curtis Mack, Ross Carras

Version 0.94 July 15, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Ham Radio Testing” by Ben Krueger .

We have moved a session around: “Chocolate as a Hobby: A Guide to Being a Fancy Chocolate Snob” by Adele M (July 15, 2022, noon → July 15, 2022, 1 p.m.)

Version 0.93 July 14, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have moved a session around: “Chocolate as a Hobby: A Guide to Being a Fancy Chocolate Snob” by Adele M (Food Hacking Area → Hardware Hacking Stage)

Version 0.92 July 14, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

Version 0.91 July 13, 2022

Added TitaniumChef and Badge Quick Guide

We have a new session: “TitaniumChef” by Mee .

We have moved a session around: “Chocolate as a Hobby: A Guide to Being a Fancy Chocolate Snob” by Adele M (July 15, 2022, 2 p.m. → July 15, 2022, noon)

Version 0.90 July 13, 2022

Adding Kids Camp

Version 0.89 July 10, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have moved a session around: “Weather Balloon Launch” by Steve Potter - K7HAK (July 15, 2022, 10:30 a.m. → July 16, 2022, 10 a.m.)

Version 0.88 July 7, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have new sessions!

Version 0.87 July 7, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have new sessions!

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.86 July 4, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Weather Balloon Launch” by Steve Potter - K7HAK .

We sadly had to cancel a session: “Movie Showing: Sneakers” by me.

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.85 July 3, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Star Guts” by Star Guts .

We sadly had to cancel a session: “Origami” by Carlos De Leon.

Version 0.84 July 1, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We sadly had to cancel a session: “DIY Mixed Signal Music Chip Design” by Adrian Freed.

Version 0.83 June 30, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “bash explode” by Jesse (@bashexplode) .

Version 0.82 June 28, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have new sessions!

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.81 June 28, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

Version 0.80 June 28, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

Version 0.79 June 27, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

Version 0.78 June 27, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.77 June 27, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Modular Synthesis with Eurorack” by Aaron Allen-St. John .

Version 0.76 June 26, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Getting on the air: My experiences with Ham radio QRP digital modes” by Jeremy Hong .

Version 0.75 June 26, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have moved a session around: “Closing Remarks” by me (July 16, 2022, 6:10 p.m. → July 16, 2022, 7 p.m.)

Version 0.74 June 24, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have moved a session around: “Mental Health First Aid, an Intro” by Colette Isa Bee (July 16, 2022, 4 p.m., Hardware Hacking Stage → July 16, 2022, 1 p.m., Yoga Studio).

Version 0.73 June 24, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Mental Health First Aid, an Intro” by Colette Isa Bee .

Version 0.72 June 22, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have new sessions!

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.71 June 12, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Cabin, Yurt, Dome, and Private Campsite Check-Out” by me .

Version 0.6 June 12, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have new sessions!

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.5 June 11, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have new sessions!

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.4 June 11, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Hacking Gender: Transition À La Carte” by Ryan Castellucci .

Version 0.3 June 6, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “Circuit-switched retro-networking with FPGAs and softmodems” by Karl Koscher .

We had to move some sessions, so if you were planning on seeing them, check their new dates or locations:

Version 0.2 June 2, 2022

We released a new schedule version!

We have a new session: “KEYNOTE: When It's Time to Disobey” by Annalee Newitz .

Version 0.1 June 2, 2022

We released our first schedule!