Aaron is a software engineer by trade, and a hardware tinkerer and musician by nature. He started playing with modular synthesizer three years ago, and quickly began open source designing modules of his own. He live in Seattle with his wife and two cats.
- Modular Synthesis with Eurorack

Adele is a senior security engineer focused in web and cloud pentesting. She is also focused on running a chocolate club for her coworkers.
- Chocolate as a Hobby: A Guide to Being a Fancy Chocolate Snob

Aleks Frelas is the Director of a Penetration Testing program, focusing on web application penetration testing, social engineering, and anything aviation security related.
- COVID-19 Tracing Apps: The Proliferation of Rushed Development

Alex Ivkin leads a security solutions group at Eclypsium, a US security startup. His focus is on researching secure deployments of (in)secure software, including container orchestration, application security, and firmware security. Alex has two decades of itsec experience, delivered security trainings, holds MS in Computer Science, co-authored security certifications and climbs mountains in his spare time.
- My data in your signed code
- Navigating the shallow waters of Kubernetes Security
- Make Your Own Light-Up Wings
- Make Your Own Light-Up Wings
- Make Your Own Adult Light-Up Wings
- Make Your Own Light-Up Wings
- DIY Craft Flashlight
- Stupid Hackathon Kickoff
- Stupid Hackathon Winners Announced
Annalee Newitz writes science fiction and nonfiction. They are the author of the novels The Future of Another Timeline, and Autonomous, which won the Lambda Literary Award. As a science journalist, they are a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times, and have a monthly column in New Scientist. They have published in The Washington Post, Slate, Popular Science, Ars Technica, The New Yorker, and The Atlantic, among others. They are also the co-host of the Hugo Award-winning podcast Our Opinions Are Correct. Previously, they were the founder of io9, and served as the editor-in-chief of Gizmodo.
- KEYNOTE: When It's Time to Disobey

Ben co-founded ToorCon more than 20 years ago back in San Diego, but then took a break from tech and spent more than a decade in community organizing and education. He is now a second career developer and works as a lead developer relations engineer at New Relic by day and is building hirethePIVOT, a reverse job board for career changers, at night. He writes regularly on the intersection of community development and tech. Originally from Southern California and a long-time resident of New York City, Ben now resides near Tel Aviv.
- Build Your Own Synthetics Monitoring
- Ham Radio Testing

breedx is a hacker, artist, experimenter, polyglot programmer, and dad from Portland, OR. He was the DorkbotPDX community overlord for a decade and has helped to create permanent sound art installations at a well-known software company. During the day, he works on open source software observability/telemetry systems. At other times he is likely to be doing sound recording, collaborating with Futel (to install free public payphones), and proselytizing the Church of Robotron (to save humanity from the inevitable 2084 robot/AI apocalypse).
- Hacking sound: an intro to Pure Data, a powerful and surprisingly accessible open source audio programming environment

ToorCon Senior Staff | ToorCamp Event Organizer | DEFCON Security Goon (Legend) | Lockpicking Enthusiast | State Sponsored Hacker
- Amateur Radio Certification

Amber Case works on building, breaking and hacking DAOs for a living at https://daodao.zone/. She enjoys forms of governance and group dynamics.
Case has keynoted BSides and spoken at Defcon, and is the author of two O'Reilly books, Calm Technology and Designing with Sound.
She has also built a DAO table top game which anyone can play.
You can follow her on twitter @caseorganic!
- 8 Ways to Hack a DAO

Colette usually goes by Bee these days, using they/them pronouns. They have been working in Community Mental Health for 5 years, and is passionate about helping others to know that mental health is not a thing only for Other people. Everyone needs help sometimes, and they are here to support and teach methods in safely being a member of our often overwhelming and at least constant world.
- Mental Health First Aid, an Intro
- HomeDepot Kids Workshop
- Open Hardware Hacking
Danielle is a rising high school senior who seeks to share her story about leadership and robotics to inspire more support for youth education. Fun fact: she has been to over 100 different bubble tea locations, and friends consider it as part of her personality.
- Leading a FIRST Robotics Team Post-COVID

Darcy's Bio:
Darcy Neal is a new media artist, cyborg, and educator. With a background in sculpture, lighting installations, and audio electronics, their work has evolved over the years to explore the cross-pollination of the senses through interactive works and way too many hobbies.
Justin's Bio:
Immersive and Interactive Technologist, live remix artist, maker of blinkenlights and synthesizers. Currently haunting Portland, Oregon designing museum exhibits, pop-up theme parks, and foregoing a normal human sleep schedule.
- Learn to Solder by building a Glow Club pathlighter badge!

David M. N. Bryan is a Hacker with X-Force Red, IBM’s elite security testing team. He hacks Mainframes, ATMs, Storage devices, IoT devices, Payment Systems, etc. He’s been in info-sec (and goon) for 22+ years.
David has well over a decade of experience. From being a defender of security at a top ten banks, to securing the DEF CON network. David has been a participant in the information security community for over two decades. David has been the attacker in many scenarios as a penetration tester covering: ATMs, embedded devices, network, wireless, web applications, and physical security. David has presented at many security conferences including: BlackHat, DEF CON, ToorCon, LayerOne, ToorCamp, BSides Events, AppSecUSA, Etc.
- Hardware hacking for beginners + Glitching.

Dean is a computer security researcher from Portland, Oregon. He has attended all the Toorcamps so far, and even spoken at some of them on topics such as wireless hacking, surveillance, and hacking cryptocurrency smart contracts. Lately he has been working external Red Team and Penetration Testing engagements for various companies across several industries, so that's probably the sort of thing he's going to be talking about this time.
- Tools and Techniques for Mapping the Human Attack Surface

Diana lives in Olympia with her dog Ruby. She has a B.S. in Physics from the University of Washington (1995) and works for the Washington State Department of Ecology, studying the erosion and accretion of beaches. She plays folk Harp and beginning flute, and just finished building a pond/waterfall in her front yard. She will be teaching "Flow Painting" with Laura Glen.
- Acrylic Flow Paint Art

Dylan is a Technical Lead at Leviathan Security Group. Previously he's worked in defensive security, and as a software engineer. He's engaged with the security community for several years, largely through open source contributions and research. Through these roles, he's worked extensively with a broad variety of web application technologies and languages, both for building, and breaking software.
- ${talk.name}: An Introduction to Template Injection
Echo is a hacker specializing in: audio hacking, biohacking, spicy math, and reality hacking (aka witchcraft).
- Intro to modular synthesis (eurorack)
- echo's spooky techno
I have been into the computer security scene since about 1998, and have since developed an interest in exploitation, reverse engineering, software development, system internals and beyond. A good chunk of my research can be found at https://www.bitlackeys.org, and https://github.com/elfmaster -- I have published in phrack magazine, vxheaven, POC||GTFO, and am currently working on a whitepaper with VirginiaTech University. I have a passion for hacking, and designing new security technologies, especially as they pertain to kernel internals, binary formats, and runtime instrumentation. Coding is the act of creation, and I love innovating.
- Shiva -- Advancing the programmability and security of the Linux userland runtime.
Franklin Hu is a mild mannered software engineer working for SAP Concur during the day. After hours, he is a mad scientist investigating the mysteries of the universe and experimenting with stuff.
- The backyard aluminum forge

Hannah is a backend programmer who's tripped into writing a bunch of javascript by accident. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her wife, a few friends, and a very ornery cat. She's committed to making the web more accessible to screen reader users and tech more kind to other trans folks.
- Alt Text Everywhere

Helen Leigh is a creative technologist who specializes in musical instruments and experimental electronics. She is Head of Community at Crowd Supply, a curated crowdfunding platform for open hardware products. Leigh is the author of The Crafty Kid’s Guide to DIY Electronics, and has written many articles about hardware for Make Magazine, Hackspace Magazine and Hackaday. Find her on Twitter @helenleigh.
- Soft Electronics
- Soft Electronics: Sewing Circuits

By day I work on the security team at Anthropic, securing large language models. By night, I think about the long term implications of technology and human development. I love to rollerblade, rollerskate, climb trees, explore tunnels and rooftop, hang out with animals, and laugh with people. I grew up in the pacific northwest and some part of my heart will always be here.
- Securing AI systems with dual-use capabilities

Hardware Hacker, Ham Radio Operator (KD8TUO), Reverse Engineer at Cromulence.
- Getting on the air: My experiences with Ham radio QRP digital modes

- bash explode
Jesse Mejia is an artist, hacker, and educator who teaches inclusive creative coding courses (max/pd, processing, microcontrollers etc) at Portland Community College where they started the Creative Coding and Immersive Technology certificate and degree program. They also build commercial audio/video installations all over the place, train hard against the robotrons, and start more projects than they finish.
- Hacking sound: an intro to Pure Data, a powerful and surprisingly accessible open source audio programming environment

Exhibit, Immersive and Interactive Technologist, live remix artist, maker of blinkenlights and synthesizers.
- Memphis Terrazzo Live Remix set

I am a High School Junior who loves to play around with different kinds of technology.
- Sketching Yourself with Python

Karl Koscher (supersat) is a technology and security generalist with an emphasis on wireless and embedded systems security. As part of his dissertation work at the University of Washington, he and his collaborators were the first to demonstrate a complete remote compromise of a car over cellular, Bluetooth and other channels. He one of the Shadytel co-conspirators, heading up the Shadytel Labs subsidiary, where we are constantly seeking out new revenue opportunities through novel applications of antiquated technology.
- Circuit-switched retro-networking with FPGAs and softmodems
- dj supersat: a ten year EDM retrospective
- dj supersat: techno trouble power hour
- Acrylic Flow Paint Art

I'm a somewhat crazy guy who loves to design things. My favourite things are good food, tough problems and making things work. I've got a bunch of experience in way too many fields to be useful. I've made my own pipelined demosaic for FPGAs and optimized cookie recipes for quality, repeatability and cost.
- ADHD in Hacking

- Music to fill out forms to
The only con that I have been in the roles of staff, artist and speaker.
- DJ mattrix
- General Camping Move-In
- Cabin, Yurt, Dome, and Private Campsite Check-In
- Movie Showing: Blade Runner
- Opening Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- DJ Keith Myers & Friends
- Cabin, Yurt, Dome, and Private Campsite Check-Out
- (Blade)Running Club
- (Blade)Running Club
- (Blade)Running Club
- TitaniumChef
Enjoys drinking fine kosher grape juice
- The Dynamics of Community Gardens: Tips for Creating Change

OlyMEGA (Olympia Makers, Engineers, Geeks and Artists) is a nonprofit (501c3) Makerspace located in Olympia, WA. We are dedicated to fostering creativity, collaboration, and education.
The mission of OlyMEGA is to create an open maker community in the Olympia/Thurston County.
Members are encouraged to share their knowledge, learn from others, and create from what they learn.
We have a shared workshop called a Makerspace at the rear of 312 4th Avenue E., Olympia, WA. We have a weekly Open House on Thursday Night starting at 7PM.
- Open Hardware Hacking
Patrick is a self-described nerd from Seattle who loves security and music.
- House Music Session
Pierce Nichols is the leader of Ladon Robotics, a company building autonomous cargo ships powered by nature.
- The Return of the Hackerboat
- Visual Programming for Machine Learning

A U.S. Army Bomb Technician who holds degrees in Fine Art and Electronics, he spends his time volunteering with the OlyMEGA Makerspace and working on his projects.
- ToorCamp 2022 Badge Talk

Richard Johnson is a computer security specialist with a focus on software vulnerability analysis. Currently Senior Principal Security Researcher at Trellix and Chief Research Officer of Fuzzing IO, Richard offers over 20 years of professional expertise and leadership in the information security industry. Current responsibilities include zeroday vulnerability research and development of advanced fuzzing and automated reverse engineering solutions. Prior to Trellix, he built security research and bug hunting teams for Oracle Cloud and Cisco Talos. Richard has delivered training and presented annually at top-tier industry conferences for over 15 years at several leading events including Black Hat, Defcon, Hack in the Box, RECON, and OffensiveCon. Richard was co-founder of the Uninformed Journal and has been on program committees for USENIX WOOT, RECON, and Toorcon.
- Extra Better Program Finagling (eBPF) for Attack and Defense

Rob Flickenger is a long time hacker most recently interested in biochemistry, scanning electron microscopy, DNA sequencing, and longevity research. Previous Toorcamp adventures included a Tesla coil orchestra and The Tesla Gun.
- Hacking your circulatory system: a less icky alternative to heterochronic parabiosis
- persyn.io: a limbic system for emerging AI chatbots
- Car Hacking Workshop
- HomeDepot Kids Workshop
- Open Hardware Hacking

Ryan has been involved in the hacking community for most of their life, but it really picked up on the original "Hackers on a Plane" trip back in 2007. That led to involvement with Noisebridge, attending the original ToorCamp in 2008, playing CTFs, running CTFs, a successful infosec career, and speaking at several well known conferences.
They are now working on their most challenging hacking project yet - their body.
- Hacking Gender: Transition À La Carte

Sarah Autumn is a volunteer at the Connections Museum in Seattle, WA where she specializes in early 20th century telephone history. Her main role at the museum is the maintenance and restoration of telephone central office equipment from the 1920-1960 era, and her passion for this craft has earned her the title of "Switch Witch." It's an appropriate moniker because the skills required to work on such large, complex and obsolete machines look like magic to an outside observer. Sarah has traveled the country to track down and obtain some of the necessary parts and pieces for these machines, so they can be brought back to life for museum visitors to enjoy.
In her spare time, Sarah enjoys traveling, spending time with her cat, and playing a whole bunch of musical instruments. For her "day job" she is a technical educator at a Seattle area tech company.
- Indiana Jones and the Warehouse of Phones: Restoring electromechanical telephone switches

Joe FitzPatrick (@securelyfitz) is an Instructor and Researcher at SecuringHardware.com. Joe started his career working on low-level silicon debug, security validation, and penetration testing of CPUS, SOCs, and microcontrollers. He has spent the past decade developing and leading hardware security-related training, instructing hundreds of security researchers, pen-testers, hardware validators worldwide. When not teaching classes on applied physical attacks, Joe is busy developing new course content or working on contributions to the NSA Playset and other misdirected hardware projects, which he regularly presents at all sorts of fun conferences.
- ~Rapid~ Reckless Prototyping PCBs with KiCAD and Othermill

High school programmer who likes to make amazing and cool things with other people!
Website: https://shubhampatil.dev
GitHub: https://github.com/ShubhamPatilsd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShubhamPatilsd
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shubham-patil-5352a3215/
- Sketching Yourself with Python
- Star Guts

Steve is a Maker, Hacker, Ham nerd, Beer brewer, Dad, InfoSec dropout, Network lackey, Hiker, Permaculture weirdo, Astronomy & space dork who is highly skilled in daily damage control.
- Weather Balloon Launch
- Network Hacking Workshop

Vito Genovese is a founding member of Legitimate Business Syndicate, organizers of DEF CON Capture the Flag from 2013 to 2017. Vito's work included building infrastructure for distributed software development, designing and building both cloud-based and on-site scoring systems for CTF, visual design and branding of competition materials, picking fonts, sourcing coffee and other beverages, and writing public material for the Legitimate Business Syndicate blog and Twitter accounts.
- Gardening for Computer Touchers

- Build Your Own Blue Box!